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Time Dreamer FINAL 1and2


The Rosaura subplot has been subjected to much criticism in the past as not belonging to the work. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo saw it as a strange and exotic plot, like a parasitical vine.[25] Rosaura has also been dismissed as the simple stock character of the jilted woman. With the British School of Calderonistas, this attitude changed. A. E. Sloman explained how the main and secondary actions are linked.[26] Others like E. M. Wilson and William M. Whitby consider Rosaura to be central to the work since she parallels Segismundo's actions and also serves as Segismundo's guide, leading him to a final conversion.[27][28] For some Rosaura must be studied as part of a Platonic ascent on the part of the Prince. Others compare her first appearance, falling from a horse/hippogriff to the plot of Ariosto's Orlando furioso where Astolfo (the name of the character who deceives Rosaura in our play), also rides the hippogriff and witnesses a prophecy of the return of the mythical Golden Age. For Frederick de Armas, Rosaura hides a mythological mystery already utilized by Ariosto. When she goes to Court, she takes on the name of Astraea, the goddess of chastity and justice. Astraea was the last of the immortals to leave earth with the decline of the ages. Her return signals the return of a Golden Age. Many writers of the Renaissance and early modern periods used the figure of Astraea to praise the rulers of their times. It is possible that Rosaura (an anagram of auroras, "dawns") could represent the return of a Golden Age during the reign of Segismundo, a figure that represents King Philip IV of Spain.[29]

Time Dreamer FINAL 1and2

LaBerge carried out a further experiment in which the timing of dreams was measured from within the dream. The experiment used lucid dreamers again who made the agreed signal. They then counted to 10 in their dream and then made the eye signal again. They were also asked to estimate the passing of 10 seconds without counting (see fig. 5 below). LaBerge has concluded from his experiments that experience in dreams happens roughly at the same time as in waking life. This second experiment carried out by LaBerge further blunts the Dennettian objection from unconsciously uploading the task. For, it seems to require agency (rather than unconscious processing) to negotiate how much time is passing before carrying out an action.

It is better that these wishes come disguised in apparently nonsensical stories in order to stop the dreamer from awakening in horror (Flanagan: 2000, p.43). The content of the dream, even with some censorship in place, still might shock an individual on waking reflection and is therefore further distorted by the time it reaches memory, for the censor is still at work. Malcolm positively cited a psychoanalyst who had claimed that the psychoanalyst is really interested in what the patient thought the dream was about (that is, the memory of the dream) rather than the actual experience (Malcolm, 1959: pp. 121-123, Appendix).

Nightmares are vivid and terrifying nocturnal episodes in which the dreamer is abruptly awakened from sleep. Typically, the dreamer wakes from REM sleep and is able to describe a detailed, associative, often bizarre dream plot. Usually, the dreamer has difficulty returning to sleep. Nightmares are also common. In a two-week prospective study of college students, 47 percent described having at least one nightmare.4 Results of a general population study of 1,049 persons with insomnia revealed that 18.3 percent had nightmares.5 In this study, nightmares were more common in women and were associated with increases in nocturnal awakenings, sleep onset insomnia, and daytime memory impairment and anxiety following poor nocturnal sleep.5 Studies of the general population reveal that 5 to 8 percent of the adult population report a current problem with nightmares (Table 1).6,7

REM behavior disorder most commonly affects middle-aged men. Patients with this disorder often present with a history of sleep-associated injuries to themselves or a sleeping partner. REM behavior disorder is characterized by vivid, action-filled, violent dreams that the dreamer acts out, sometimes resulting in injury to the dreamer or the sleeping partner.18 On polysomnography, these patients show elevated submental and limb electromyographic tone, which may be phasic or tonic and that is associated with prominent jerking of the limb or truncal areas.26

Byapplying pressure on the first gas, and releasing it into a cooling coilsubmerged in a coolant, it liquefies. When this liquefied gas enters the nextvessel, it becomes the coolant for the second gas in the chain. When the nextgas is pressurized and passes through the inner coil, it liquefies and is at aneven lower temperature. The second liquid goes on to cool the next gas and soon. Step by step, the liquefied gases become colder and colder. Each one isused to lower the temperature of the next gas sufficiently for it to liquefy.In the final stage, where hydrogen gas is cooled, the idea was to put it underenormous pressure, 180 times atmospheric pressure, and then suddenly release itthrough a valve.

\u00a0\r\n\u201cHe speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds.\u201d\u00a0 (Job 33:15)\r\nWhen you read the word DREAM, what thoughts or images come to mind? \u00a0Those things that happen while we sleep? \u00a0Daydreaming on a lazy day? \u00a0Or the dreams we have of success, marriage, or future life?\r\nIn the Bible, dreams from God affected and influenced many characters' decisions and actions. \u00a0Is it possible to learn about our dreams from theirs?\r\nCould it be that as the Prophet Joel said,\r\n\u201cAnd it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit.\u201d \u00a0(Joel 2:27\u201329)\r\nIs it possible that God is speaking to us in our dreams?\r\n\r\nPeople have been dreaming since Adam and Eve. \u00a0But not all dreams are from God. \u00a0We were created with this capacity built into the fabric of our being. \u00a0We all dream, but not all remember them.\r\nResearchers tell us that dreams are made up of fragments of our lives that creep from our conscious to our unconsciousness in an effort to arrange a paradigm or grid to resolve the input and stimulation we encounter throughout our lives.\r\nHowever, we are not going to look at modern psychology here. \u00a0We are only looking to understand if God is speaking to us in our dreams and to uncover a few principles for interpreting them.\r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_58165\" align=\"alignnone\" width=\"544\"] Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brethren, by James Tissot[\/caption]\r\n\r\nHere Comes the Dreamer\r\n\u201cNow Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him even more.\u201d \u00a0(Genesis 37:5)\r\nSome of the most famous of all dreams in the Bible are those that Joseph had (which almost got him killed) and those he interpreted for Pharaoh (which rose him to second in command of all Egypt).\r\nIn Genesis 37, God gives Joseph two dreams using metaphors and images that he\u00a0is familiar with\u2014a common method used to transmit messages in dreams still\u00a0today.\r\nIn his first dream, eleven sheaves bow down to the sheaf of Joseph. \u00a0This dream is so easy to interpret that Joseph\u2019s eleven brothers immediately understood it:\u00a0\r\n\u201cAre you actually going to reign over us?\u201d they asked him. \u00a0(v. 8)\r\nThe mere thought of it threw the brothers into a rage. \u201cHere comes the dreamer,\u201d they said, as they plotted to kill him. \u00a0(v. 19)\r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_58161\" align=\"alignnone\" width=\"544\"] In Joseph's first dream, eleven sheaves (similar to those above) belonging to his eleven brothers bow down to Joseph's sheaf. (Genesis 37:5-8)[\/caption]\r\n\r\nThat is not the immediate result Joseph had hoped for from a dream of God.\r\nNevertheless, his prophetic destiny, confirmed by his two dreams (vv. 8\u201310), gave Joseph the hope he needed to sustain many years of misfortune in Egypt leading up to that destiny.\r\nOur dreams can give us hope, too.\u00a0 And we can see from Joseph\u2019s life that sometimes our dreams have both an immediate result and a long-term outcome. We need the wisdom of God to help us see both, if it is in His will that we know it.\r\nAs Joseph said, \u201cDo not interpretations belong to God?\u201d \u00a0(Genesis 40:8)\r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_39382\" align=\"alignnone\" width=\"544\"] Jewish prayer books (siddurs) contain a bedtime prayer that includes forgiving others, confession, praises for what God has done today, seeking peace and life for the next day, and a blessing that God's glory illuminate the whole world.[\/caption]\r\n\r\nGod Can Converse with Us in Dreams\r\nWe might think that dreaming is a one-way communication from God to us, but a dream of King Solomon shows us that this is not always the case.\r\n\u201cAt Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night\u201d and said to him,\u00a0\u201cAsk what I shall give you.\u201d\u00a0\u00a0(1 Kings 3:5)\r\nSolomon asked for \u201can understanding mind to govern Your people, that I may discern between good and evil.\u201d \u00a0(1 Kings 3:9)\r\nOur Father in heaven loves to bestow wisdom, especially on those who cherish it more than riches and honor. \u00a0So, He gave Solomon wisdom and discernment (an immediate result) like no other king ever had, and he went on to pen the great books of wisdom: Proverbs and Ecclesiastes (a long-term outcome).\r\nAt times, we too can interact in our dreams and perhaps move our destiny ever so slightly. \u00a0We may even receive interpretation in the dream itself.\r\nFor instance, after Daniel dreamed of four beasts, he wrote:\r\n\u201cI approached one of those who stood there and asked him the truth concerning all this. \u00a0So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of the things.\u201d (Daniel 7:15)\r\nDaniel lived a rich life of dreams (while sleeping) and visions (while awake) and was given much wisdom in the interpretation of them, such as this magnificent Messianic dream given to a pagan king.\r\n\r\nThe Stone That Became a Mountain\r\n\u201cThe stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.\u201d \u00a0(Daniel 2:35)\r\nSometimes dreams that are meant for us can be given to the most unlikely people.\u00a0 For example, God has given many signs, prophecies, allusions, and metaphors to both Jews and Gentiles throughout Scripture about the Messianic kingdom to come.\r\nKing Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon received such a sign\u2014a statue in a dream comprised of four metals and clay as shown in the image above. \u00a0He tried to get an interpretation of this image from the wisest men in his land.\r\n\u201cNo wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers can show to the king the mystery that the king has asked,\u201d Daniel told the king, \u201cbut there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days.\u201d \u00a0(Daniel 2:27\u201328)\r\nGod revealed to Daniel that the metals represent kingdoms that would be utterly\u00a0smashed into oblivion by a divine stone, as if they were \u201cchaff on a threshing floor.\u201d\r\nThis imagery has eternal implications for every person.\r\nAs you read the full dream and its interpretation in Daniel chapter 2, pray about the spiritual implications of this dream to your life. \u00a0Consider the stone's current trajectory on becoming a mountain, a kingdom that fills the whole earth, and what your role in it is.\r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_57324\" align=\"alignnone\" width=\"544\"] Mir Yeshiva (a Jewish seminary) in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem. (Flickr: Tel Aviv Embassy, photo by Matty Stern)[\/caption]\r\n\r\nAs we can see from these examples in the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures), God spoke through dreams in a way that made sense, either to the person having the dream or to its interpreter.\r\nWhen someone didn\u2019t understand a dream and God wanted it to be understood, He gave the interpretation. \u00a0The same applies to us today. \u00a0God is the one who reveals the understanding of our dreams, as He did with Joseph and with Daniel:\r\n\u201cThe mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night.\u00a0 Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven \u2026 and said, \u2018Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, \u2026 for You have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for You have made known to us the king\u2019s matter.\u2019\u201d \u00a0(Daniel 2:19\u201323)\r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_58168\" align=\"alignleft\" width=\"325\"] Daniel interpreting the king's dream (1896). (Source: \"The Art Bible, Comprising the Old and New Testaments: with Numerous Illustrations\")[\/caption]\r\n\r\nUnderstanding Biblical Interpretations of Dreams\r\nBy looking at the dreams and interpretations revealed in the Bible, we can see patterns develop and discern some principles for interpreting our own dreams.\r\nLet\u2019s ask some questions about King Nebuchadnezzar\u2019s dream, as an example, and then see how you can apply these same questions to your\u00a0dreams.\r\nWho had the dream? \u00a0King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.\r\nWhat was the imagery used and why? A statue. \u00a0Why a statue?\u00a0 As with most dreams, the primary image used is something the dreamer is intimately familiar with. \u00a0Nebuchadnezzar built statues of himself to be worshipped by the citizens of his kingdom. \u00a0Therefore, a statue was a perfect metaphor to represent his own and other kingdoms.\r\nWhat was God\u2019s message?\u00a0 Even though Nebuchadnezzar\u2019s kingdom was the most powerful of the day, a time would come when no earthly kingdom\u2014no matter how great\u2014will stand when the Kingdom of God comes to full fruition.\r\nHow was the dream interpreted? \u00a0(For example, did the interpreter pray first? Did God reveal the meaning during the dream?) \u00a0While some dreams (like Joseph\u2019s) are understood upon hearing, Daniel prayed for revelation of the king\u2019s dream.\r\nWhat was the response or outcome?\u00a0 The king\u2019s dream had no immediate outcome except to prove that God was indeed speaking through Daniel. \u00a0Yet, that gave Daniel great favor with the king. \u00a0The fuller outcome, however, is still unfolding as the stone continues to grow into its destiny as a kingdom that fills the whole earth.\r\nSome dreams, however, have a clear and immediate fulfillment, especially when they deal with warnings.\r\nFor instance, in the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant), Joseph was warned to leave Bethlehem with baby Yeshua and Mary and flee to Egypt. \u00a0The three Magi were warned in a dream not to return to King Herod, so they went home by another route. (Matthew 2)\r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_29985\" align=\"alignnone\" width=\"544\"] The Magi Journeying, by James Tissot[\/caption]\r\n\r\nBefore trying to analyze your own dreams, practice applying the five questions above to the dreams of the following people:\r\n\r\n\tThe Phoenician King Abimelech (Genesis 20)\r\n\tJoseph\u2019s two dreams (Genesis 37)\u00a0\r\n\tThe cupbearer (Genesis 40)\u00a0\r\n\tThe baker (Genesis 40)\r\n\tPharaoh (Genesis 41)\r\n\tKing Solomon (1 Kings 3)\r\n\tDaniel (Daniel 7)\r\n\tThe Magi (Matthew 2)\r\n\tJoseph (Matthew 2)\r\n\r\nBy analyzing the dreams listed above, you will become more able to dissect and understand your own dreams\u2014that is, if you remember them. \u00a0So, as you embark on this new venture, add these items to your daily routine:\r\n\r\n\tPray to remember your dreams.\r\n\tWrite them down when you wake up.\r\n\tPray for understanding as you apply the questions below to your dreams.\r\n\r\n\r\nInterpreting Your Dreams\r\nWhen you have remembered and written down a dream, answer these questions:\r\nWho had the dream?\u00a0 You, a friend, or a relative?\r\nWhat imagery was in it?\u00a0 Who are the people in it?\u00a0 What are the places or objects? What activities are going on?\u00a0 How does the imagery relate to you or the dreamer?\u00a0 Don\u2019t interpret yet; just identify the imagery.\r\nWhat is the message?\u00a0 Is there a simple, clear meaning as in Joseph\u2019s dream of the sheaves?\u00a0 Was the interpretation given in the dream?\u00a0 Or does the meaning need to be prayed through?\r\nConsider what is going on in the life of the dreamer, but be careful.\u00a0 Maybe you play tennis, but just because you dream about a tennis match with someone attractive does not mean you are being told to play tennis with them. Sharing the dream with someone who knows you well may help bring further insight.\r\nIf you come to an interpretation, does it make sense to the dreamer within the context of their life? If not, keep praying.\r\nEven if the immediate result is unfavorable, what will the overall outcome be if the dream is heeded?\u00a0 Whether it is a warning or guidance, will it bring Glory to God?\r\nIf you get stuck at any step, pray some more.\u00a0 If the dream is truly from God, He will make the interpretation known in His timing.\r\nRemember, though, that not all dreams are \u201cGod\u201d dreams. \u00a0Some are just dreams and some nightmares are from a spicy meal. \u00a0So, it really is important to pray for understanding; and when you receive it, give God all the glory!\r\nWhen Solomon received abundant wisdom from God, \u201che stood before the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and offered up burnt offerings and peace offerings, and made a feast for all his servants.\u201d \u00a0(1 Kings 3:15)","post_title":"Is God Speaking to You in Your Dreams?","post_excerpt":"In the Bible, dreams from God affected and influenced many characters' decisions and actions. Is it possible to learn about our dreams from theirs?","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","post_password":"","post_name":"god_speaks_in_dreams","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2022-09-19 17:30:00","post_modified_gmt":"2022-09-19 17:30:00","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":0,"guid":"http:\/\/\/?post_type=feature&p=58159","menu_order":0,"post_type":"feature","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"0","filter":"raw"};var $post_thumbnail = " -content/uploads/2017/09/1200_dream_child-150x150.jpg"; 2ff7e9595c

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