When I first purchased the Florida - 014 tile I was hoping to be able to virtually fly my old drop zone. I was disappointed to find that the actual airport (Airglades 2IS) was a few hundred feet off horzontally from its picture in the photoreal scenery effectively showing two of the same airport making it all look awful. I was unable to get the MegasceneryEarth people to address this terrible issue and was resolved to fix it myself using both ADE9x (airport editor) & Instant Scenery 2 (scenery object editor). What I have done is by no means perfect but look good enough to make the megasceneryearth Florida - 014 tile enjoyable in respect to Airglades airport (2IS) & the town of Clewiston. This has been tested on FSX Deluxe with FSX Accelleration.
Megasceneryearth Floridal
DOWNLOAD: https://byltly.com/2vI2tA